Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy (ReTraCE)
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 project “Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy (ReTraCE)”

Since 2018, ABIS is part of a consortium led by University of Sheffield in an EU Horizon 2020 project under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) called "ReTraCE" - Realizing the Transition to the Circular Economy. The consortium is composed of:
- University of Sheffield
- Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope
- Universitaet Kassel
- Hogskolan Dalarna
- University of Kent
- TATA Steel UK
- Olympia Electronics
- Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
The partners also include University of Exeter, Leeds University Business School, University of Ulsan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The aim of the ReTraCE project is the creation of a cohort of professionals capable of driving the transition towards the Circular Economy and employable not only by research institutions, but also by public sector bodies (e.g. local authorities and national agencies) and manufacturing and service sectors including: metals industry, electric and electronic equipment manufacturing, construction materials and waste management.
The main innovation of the project is the development of a holistic approach for evaluating and realizing the transition towards the Circular Economy, involving knowledge and methodologies from multiple domains (including Supply Chain Management, Environmental Science, Environmental and Ecological Economics, Science and Technology Studies, Innovation Studies) and addressing economic, environmental and social issues. The trans-national, multi-disciplinary, multi-sector, multi-stakeholder approach proposed in the project aims to bridge the main gap in research dealing with the CE paradigm, that, to date, has been characterized by a “silo” approach that has undermined theoretical developments and knowledge transfer to practitioners. The consortium designed and delivers world class multidisciplinary training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) offering them an extended and valuable program of international exchanges and secondments through the wide network of partner organisations from public, private and third sectors involved in the proposal.
One of the 15 ESRs is Josep Pinyol, who is hosted by ABIS since May 2019. He is also enrolled in the PhD program in Sustainable Futures at the University of Exeter Business School and is conducting research on the impact of the political discourse of circular economy in environmental policy making.
Within the project, part of the key responsibilities of ABIS is to organize 2 project meetings with the researchers and consortium bridging them with industry experts.
The first project meeting "Roundtable for industry and policy makers" took place on May 11-12, 2020.