ReTraCE project: the closing event

ReTraCE project: the closing event


We were delighted to host the closing meeting of the ReTraCE project on March 29th in Brussels. It was the end of a wonderful journey – from 2018 to 2023 – with consortium partners, researchers and academic members, that led us to analyse how a Circular Economy transition can be implemented in the frame of innovative and sustainable business models.

The project allowed Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) to attend international exchanges and secondments through the network of public, private and third sector organizations. Moreover, we are proud of being able to take part in the professional development of the early-stage researchers, connecting their research to industry and policy experts.

We are also thankful for the job that the ESR Josep Pinyol made within our Team for more than 3 years!

You can watch again the final event session here.

Katarina Haluskova

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Katarina Haluskova