Call for Reviewers for the ABIS Special Issue on "Business principles for the stakeholder capitalism era”

Call for Reviewers for the ABIS Special Issue on "Business principles for the stakeholder capitalism era”

Due to our interest for the Stakeholder Capitalism Era during the 21st Annual ABIS Colloquium, and thanks to our collaboration with the Emerald Corporate Governance Journal, we are eager to announce our commitment to release a special issue “Business principles for the stakeholder capitalism era” composed of all the research papers dealing with a better and in-depth comprehension of the Stakeholder Capitalism Era.

The main aim is to support our network to gain and access relevant insights and to advance our knowledge on existing and new business models; stakeholder value approaches; sustainable value creation; social value, fair trade and ethical business models; integrating business and ethics; purpose-driven businesses; co-creation of value; business model innovation; business models, management structures and incentives.

To ensure high quality of the publishing process and the essential double-blind peer review, we open a Call for Reviewers for the ABIS Special Issue.

Selection Criteria

The reviewers should be able to assess the quality, relevance and merit of the papers based on learning objectives, level of innovation, robustness and provided lessons learned.

Time commitment

We encourage submissions by individuals who are competent to take on this role and who can find the time to commit to this task. The editorial team will attempt to spread review assignments across available reviewers not to overburden them. Reviewers can expect 2-3 reviewing requests. We will ask to complete reviews within 3 weeks after accepting a review. The expected time commitment should start from April/May and then again around September/October. 

The Special Issue dedicated guest editors:

  • Manuela Brusoni, Associate Professor of Practice of Government, Health and Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of Management
  • Lisa Gring-Pemble, Associate Professor of Business and Co-Executive Director, Business for a Better World Centre at George Mason University
  • Ivo Matser, CEO, ABIS

For more information about the guidelines and benefits of reviewers please visit HERE.

To be taken into consideration please fill out the information in the Call for Reviewers and send it back to by March 31st.

Karolina Sobczak

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Karolina Sobczak