10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference in Lisbon

10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference in Lisbon


This year marks the 10th Jubilee anniversary of RMER Conferences, that will be hosted in Lisbon, from the 26th to the 28th of September.

Iscte Business School will organise this forum that intends to engage multiple stakeholders in a dialogue around the Agenda 2030 and beyond and enhance further collaborations in responsible management education and research, and sustainable business practices to advance the SDGs.

The main goal of the global 10th RMER Conference is to bring together the responsible management education community and its stakeholders to drive societal impact through innovative and entrepreneurial ways.

Questions of special interest to be addressed include the accomplishments during the last decade in responsible management education, the previewed goals, how to integrate knowledge and put it into practise for innovation and entrepreneurship, how to encourage change, foster dialogues and partnerships to create positive societal impact.

For more information, you can visit the official website, where it is possible to find a Call for Contributions and the related Submission Form.

Katarina Haluskova

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Katarina Haluskova